Volunteer Opportunities
Student Recruitment Team
Parents are needed on the Student Recruitment Team to assist with generating interest with students and parents in our feeder schools and the community. The Student Recruitment Team will meet every other Wednesdays starting September 13th, from 3:45-4:45pm in the Main Office Conference Room. Help us get the word out about how fantastic LAHSA is! For more information or to get involved call the main office at 213-480-4600.
School Climate and Culture Committee (SCC)
Hey LAHSA Parents! The Positive Behavior Support Committee invites you to join us as a permanent member. Our group meets on the 2nd or 3rd Monday of the month in the Conference Room from 3:45 to 4:45pm. Our first parent meeting will be September 19th. Our goals are to create and implement policies which support a positive school culture. We address how to support our school policies, and create incentive programs for kids to stay on the right track academically and socially. We also make plans to beautify our campus and celebrate achievement. We want to include parent voices in all of these decisions, and would value your ideas! For more information or to get involved call Ms. Kwan at 213-480-4600.
Coffee with the Principal
Do you want your ideas and opinions heard by the principal? If so, come to Coffee with the Principal, the first Thursday of every month at 8:30am in the Main Office Conference Room. Hear about school updates, review school data, and tell us what you think about LAHSA. Donuts and pastries are provided as well! All the dates and times are on “Important Dates for 2016-2017.” Hope to see you there.
ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee)
Is your child an English Learner? If so, get involved with our ELAC. Review English Learner School data, assist on writing our Single Plan for Student Achievement, and provide feedback on our instructional program. ELAC meets one Thursday each month from 5:00-6:30pm in the Main Office Conference Room. Snacks will be provided. All dates and times are on the “Important Dates” flier. For more information or to get involved call 213-480-4600.
Governing Board/SSC (School Site Council)
Do you want to have a voice on how LAHSA implements its budgets and school policies? Come join us for our monthly Governing Board/SSC meeting, on one Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:00pm in the Main Office Conference Room. Snacks will be provided. All dates and times are listed on “Important Dates.” For more information or to get involved call Cathy Kwan at 213-480-4600.
Are you interested in learning strategies on how to motivate your child to do better in school? Do you want to learn about how to support your child in going to college? If so, please join us for our 6 week PIQE program. PIQE meets one day a week with flexible times to accommodate your busy schedule. Dates and times listed on “Important Dates.”
Field Trip Chaperone/Linked-Learning Presentations
Do you want to see real life examples of your child’s learning in class? If so, you can assist teachers on field trips that your children attend. For information on how to become a chaperone, please call the Main Office at 213-480-4600 and speak to Ms. Martinez, our Parent/Community Representative. Please also come see your child’s hard work in action at the end of each semester and find out more about how we support our students in applying what they learn to real life with our linked-learning projects. Dates and times to be announced by teachers.
DTASC (Drama Teacher’s Association of Southern California)
The Drama Teacher's Association of Southern California (DTASC) sponsors two Southern California-wide theatre festivals each year. 2,500 drama students, teachers, and parent chaperones will be participating on Saturday, October 22 in the festival from 7am-9pm, and we will need parent volunteers to help make it a successful day. Please consider volunteering to help prepare for the festival and/or be available the day of the festival. You can call the Main Office at 213-480-4600 to express your interest. Thank you!
Parent Conferences
Parent Conferences happen once each grading term, usually around the time of the first report card. Make sure to stay involved in your child’s academics and talk to teachers about his/her progress.
Please refer to the following forms to see what opportunities are available for you.
Return a completed form to our main office at your convenience.
Thank you for being part of the LAHSA community!