Linked Learning
Why Linked Learning?
It isn't enough that students are exposed to the arts in their academic lives. At LAHSA, we want our students to take an interdisciplinary approach to their studies. That means they should understand the math that goes into their stage movement, the history that explains the tech they work with, and the art that is reflected in their writing.
We see Linked Learning as a way to tie classes together so that they truly cross over. While our teachers already implement aligned thematic units in their classrooms, Linked Learning projects take those units one step further. Students focus on individual components of a greater whole in their day-to-day work. By the time the project is completed and ready to be presented, students can look back to see how each piece, and each class, relates to the finished product.
Linked Learning projects reflect real-world applications. It is another way to look at the problems facing today's world.
It isn't enough that students are exposed to the arts in their academic lives. At LAHSA, we want our students to take an interdisciplinary approach to their studies. That means they should understand the math that goes into their stage movement, the history that explains the tech they work with, and the art that is reflected in their writing.
We see Linked Learning as a way to tie classes together so that they truly cross over. While our teachers already implement aligned thematic units in their classrooms, Linked Learning projects take those units one step further. Students focus on individual components of a greater whole in their day-to-day work. By the time the project is completed and ready to be presented, students can look back to see how each piece, and each class, relates to the finished product.
Linked Learning projects reflect real-world applications. It is another way to look at the problems facing today's world.
LAHSA is proud to be a Linked Learning Certified school site. We were officially certified in 2012, and were one of only two LAUSD schools to receive the certification that year!
In 2020, amidst the turmoil of Distance Learning and the Coronavirus Pandemic, LAHSA was certified as a Linked Learning Gold Pathway, representing "the highest quality standard for Linked Learning Pathways"!
More Information-
Learn more about Linked Learning's educational model:
The Linked Learning Alliance has a brief overview
and ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career can help answer some frequently asked questions.

Sample Project
9th Grade
Change 4 Change
Change 4 Change
Create animal-shaped change holders and distribute to local businesses and organizations to solicit donations. The money that is raised will be used to buy farm animals for families in impoverished areas, via Heiffer International.