Senior Defense
The LAHSA Senior Defense is an end of the year cumulative assessment of an individual's journey through education, life, and adversity. Satisfactory completion of the defense is often the final requisite a LAHSA Senior clears to allow them to walk the stage for graduation.
Seniors begin preparation for the defense at the end of the Fall semester, following the application period for CalState and UC schools. Students receive an assignment rubric with clear grading guidelines and instructions, and are free to construct their arguments to best reflect their growth and personal narrative. They must include three pieces of work to best reflect their change over time, one of which must be drawn from their Performing Arts concentration: Design or Performance.
The defense is delivered to a panel of three adults, and may include guests selected by the student. We invite students to ask their parents, loved ones, and (when possible) friends to be in attendance to provide support and encouragement.
Seniors begin preparation for the defense at the end of the Fall semester, following the application period for CalState and UC schools. Students receive an assignment rubric with clear grading guidelines and instructions, and are free to construct their arguments to best reflect their growth and personal narrative. They must include three pieces of work to best reflect their change over time, one of which must be drawn from their Performing Arts concentration: Design or Performance.
The defense is delivered to a panel of three adults, and may include guests selected by the student. We invite students to ask their parents, loved ones, and (when possible) friends to be in attendance to provide support and encouragement.
Sample Defenses