Parent FAQs
Where can I find the Bell Schedule or Daily Schedule?
Downloadable Schedule files
What programs are offered to students at LAHSA and RFK?
Is there a list of what is served for Breakfast and Lunch?
How do I set up my Parent Portal Account?
Where can I receive a copy of the Parent Handbook?
A digital copy of the Current LAUSD Parent Handbook is available on the LAUSD Operations Webpage.
Where can I find copies of LAUSD documents for parents?
What programs are available to LAHSA students?
What should parents do in case of an Emergency?
Notification of Pesticide Use
What are the policies for tardy or absent students?
What is the policy for picking students up early?
How can I stay informed about special events or programs?
When are Report Cards due? When can I attend a Parent Conference?
May I bring lunch for a student? What is the RFK Outside Food Policy?
Do Students receive a Textbook for every class?
Do Students receive a computer for every class?