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Parent FAQs

Answers to your frequently asked questions and more.

The Bell Schedule and Year-Long Daily Schedule can be found in our Students tab. 
Or find a PDF below.
Enrichment programs before and after school are provided to RFK High School students through our partner, EduCare. You can access enrollment forms and program schedules through the Educare Linktree site.
Students, Family and RFK Community members can also access the UCLA Immigrant Family Legal Clinic which provides legal resources and consultations free of charge.
You can see what is planned to be served this month by visiting the RFK Site menu page hosted by the district. You can also download the YumYummi app to your phone by visiting the link above.
The current Handbook was distributed to students in their advisory classes at the start of the year. 
A digital copy of the Current LAUSD Parent Handbook is available on the LAUSD Operations Webpage.
Links to LAUSD policies and additional Parent Resources can be found at the district's Parent and Community Services website
Enrichment activities before and after school are provided to LAHSA students by Educare. A list of their current programs, as well as enrollment forms, are available on their Linktree.
LAHSA teachers currently facilitate a variety of community and special interest clubs during Lunch.  
Students, Family, and RFK Community members can also access the UCLA Immigrant Family Legal Clinic to obtain aid and consultations free of charge.
In case of personal or family emergencies, parents should check in at the RFK Welcome Center (7th and Catalina) to receive a Visitor's Pass. They must then proceed to the LAHSA Main Office on the 4th floor and speak with one of our office staff members. A valid Photo ID is necessary, and individuals must be listed as emergency contacts on a student's Emergency Card, if a student is to be let out early.
In case of fire, earthquake, or other such event that requires evacuation of the school site, parents are advised to wait for instructions via Blackboard Connect, Schoology, or LAUSD via local news outlets. Parents will be able to retrieve their students at either the Wilshire Soccer Field Reunion Gate, or the Catalina and 7th Street Reunion Gates.
You may also browse a variety of bulletins and reference documents published by LAUSD that outline policies relating to emergencies and disaster prep.
As part of regular preventative maintenance, it may be necessary to apply pesticides to school premises during the school year. Parents may elect to be notified in advance of their application.  Please refer to the relevant section of the Parent/Student Handbook for forms and a list of district-approved compounds.
State and Local regulations specify that eligible children must attend school every day. In case of an illness, medical appointment, or emergency, we ask that parents send written notification within 10 days of the absence so that we can clear them in our attendance system. Students may deliver written excuse notes to the LAHSA main office at any time once they return to school. 
Parents may receive an automated phone call to inform them of students that are absent from class or late to class. Please call our main office at 213-480-4600 with any questions.
In case of personal or family emergencies, parents should check in at the RFK Welcome Center (7th and Catalina) to receive a Visitor's Pass. They must then proceed to the LAHSA Main Office on the 4th floor and speak with one of our office staff members. A valid Photo ID is necessary, and individuals must be listed as emergency contacts on a student's Emergency Card, if a student is to be let out early.
Our School Google Calendar contains a list of all the events occurring throughout the year. You may also call our main office at 213-480-4600 for more specific questions.
Our RFK Community School digital marquee, located by the entrance on 7th and Catalina, also displays important information throughout the year.
Report Cards are issued at the end of every semester, following December and June. You may track a student's progress throughout the semester by our grading period milestones. 
Fall Semester:  Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, with a final grade issued following Dec 16
Spring Semester: Feb 10, March 23, May 5, with a final grade issued following June 15.
Please note that for Seniors, a special Fail Notice will be issued in advance of the June 15 grading period.
Parent conferences occur once every grading period. 
Fall Conference: Student-Led Conferences, Thursday October 27
Spring Conference: Student-Led Conferences, Thursday March 23
Parents with specific concerns may reach out to teachers via email or call our main office to arrange a meeting.
Whenever possible, students are encouraged to eat from the school cafeteria menu.
Parents are able to bring outside food for their student so long as the food items are meant for their children.
Parents may not order outside food via catering or delivery for their child. This food will be held by the Welcome Center or the LAHSA Office and will not be distributed until the end of the school day.
Students may pack a personal lunch if that is their preference. 
Students may only bring in outside food for school-organized and sponsored events (example: Winter Class Party).
Students may not utilize food ordering services (UberEats, Grubhub, Etc) to receive outside food during the school day. These items will be held by the Welcome Center or the LAHSA Office and will not be distributed until the end of the school day.
The Williams Complaints Procedures establishes the District’s policy to provide public school pupils with equal access to instructional materials, safe and decent school facilities, and qualified teachers. As such, all LAHSA students receive a textbook (or qualifying substitute materials, such as an e-book or teacher-curated materials) for their classes.  In most cases, students receive a copy to take home while having access to a class set while at LAHSA.
Students are responsible for any damages or losses to educational materials (including technology) that have been checked out to them.  Students must clear any outstanding fines in order to be eligible to graduate or to receive transcripts.
Parents with an active Parent Portal account may request a Chromebook with internet access via 4g LTE Data for any student registered to them.  Students may receive a temporary device if they have not completed a request for an ECF device. LAHSA classrooms have a limited number of multi-use devices that may be borrowed by students who leave their assigned devices at home.
Please note that students are responsible for any damages to devices that are assigned to them. A list of replacement costs is kept on the LAUSD website.