Compliance & Accountability
Title IX
The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and/or bullying. Federal and State law and the California Education Code mandate that the District annually publish and disseminate nondiscrimination notices. Schools and offices are to publish and disseminate annually the required "Nondiscrimination Statement," "Sexual Harassment Policy," "Title IX and Nondiscrimination" elementary and secondary student brochure, and "Section 504 and Students with Disabilities" student brochure to all employees and students.
You may contact the LAHSA Main Office at (213) 480-4600 to speak with our Title IX Coordinators with any concerns.
LAUSD Educational Equity Resources
WASC Report
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is one of six regional accreditation agencies in the United States. WASC reviews over 5,000 schools in the region, evaluating:
- (1) student learning;
- (2) clear purpose and schoolwide student goals;
- (3) external and internal evaluations as part of continued school improvement to support student learning.
LAHSA completed its scheduled WASC Accreditation in Spring of 2018, earning a Six Year approval with a mid-cycle visit.
To view the 2018 LAHSA WASC report, please download the pdf available in the column to your right.
School Accountability Report Card
The School Accountability Report Card is issued annually for each school in the State of California and provides an assessment of selected conditions related to the school, its resources, its successes, and the areas in which improvements may be needed.
As you read this report for our school, I believe that a picture will emerge of a school dedicated to improvement, a qualified faculty that is professionally and personally committed to meeting the learning needs of students, and a student body which is motivated to perform well.
Our school puts forth efforts to involve parents and community in our school and to keep them informed. This is done through meetings with groups such as Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)/PTA, School Advisory Councils, school volunteers and Adopt-A-School Partners.
As a parent or other interested person, you may be interested in additional information regarding the school or parent/community involvement. For such information, please call the school office.
Cathy Kwan, Principal
To view the most recent SARC for LAHSA, please visit:
2019-2020 School Accountability Report Card
As you read this report for our school, I believe that a picture will emerge of a school dedicated to improvement, a qualified faculty that is professionally and personally committed to meeting the learning needs of students, and a student body which is motivated to perform well.
Our school puts forth efforts to involve parents and community in our school and to keep them informed. This is done through meetings with groups such as Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)/PTA, School Advisory Councils, school volunteers and Adopt-A-School Partners.
As a parent or other interested person, you may be interested in additional information regarding the school or parent/community involvement. For such information, please call the school office.
Cathy Kwan, Principal
To view the most recent SARC for LAHSA, please visit:
2019-2020 School Accountability Report Card